
Currency devaluation military order global economic faced with risk

Global various countries minister of finance the police said that struggles lets the risk which the domestic currency depreciation military order global economic faces suffers injury, but simultaneously hoped that convinces the investor not to need to worry the global market will fall into “the currency war”.

In International Monetary Fund (IMF) convenes in Washington at the annual meeting, various countries policy maker enhances the export to global various countries through the depreciation domestic currency the measure to express the worry, these measures will possibly arouse the protectionism and the trade imbalance, but the present situation will be the global economic rate of rise is postponing.

Canada Minister Jim - Fei Haiti (Jim Flaherty) said during the interview: “this is one very important time, we need to solve various countries' leader related free trade pledge, as well as avoids various countries taking the protectionism measure.”US Minister Timothy - Gaertner (Timothy F. Geithner) also indicated: “the global imbalanced progress condition is insufficient the risk which avoids the global economic recovery advancement facing.”

The whole world foreign exchange market was being destructed, the reason is from Japan to global various countries governments and so on Brazil had already taken the intervention foreign exchange market measure, and the investor estimated that the Federal Reserve will further very possibly relax the monetary policy. In today's transaction, US dollar has exchanged a Japanese Yen exchange rate to fall for the first time since 1995 to each US dollar 82 Japanese Yen below, since the euro has exchanged US dollar exchange rate 8 months for the first time to break through each euro 1.40 US dollars in yesterday's transaction.

France Minister Christine - pulls Gadd (Christine Lagarde) to say during the interview: “we hoped peace, but non-`war '.”French Central Bank President Kelisiting - Noa (Christian Noyer) indicated that the global various countries' policy maker need “cultivates the market confidence, but is not initiates the currency war”; He also pointed out that the excessive exchange rate undulatory property will create the harm to the economic growth.


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